Dear ILP faithful, donors and volunteers,


Thank you to our wonderful family of donors, well wishers and volunteers for staying with us through this difficult year and supporting us generously. Team ILP  is forever grateful to each one of you.

The year 2020 laid out a path for us that was pock marked with pot-holes and hurdles that we circumvented nimbly, to make forward progress towards our ambitious goal of educating a million future citizens of this world.

We did this along with supporting COVID affected communities with food and basic necessities. In this issue of the Beacon we focus your attention on our success stories from 2020 starting with ILP's digital learning content making it to Government of India's DIKSHA portal. Team ILP also delivered its first ever virtual annual dinner from the Bay Area!

And finally, we leave you with a few  heart-warming stories about our determined teachers, community organizers and successful students. May these inspirational and energizing anecdotes keep us all motivated, as we look forward to continuing our mission in 2021.

We wish you all a healthy and happy new year! Stay safe!

Featured Stories 

ILP is on DIKSHA ~ By Suchitra Rao  

DIKSHA is the Government of India's National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers. Our in-house developed unique learning content catering to grades 4 through 10 is now featured on this digital portal enabling us to scale up.

Learn more about our efforts here.

ILP's Interventions: Shielding Our Children - A Story of Grassroot Impact ~ By Suyash Nigam

Read about the efforts of a determined duo, Ms. Sahu, our community mobilizer and the local teacher Ms. Sethi, in the remote village of Badagola in the state of Odisha. Together they lobbied the local panchayat to build a protective wall around the Anganwadi campus, thus providing a safe learning space for the little ones!

When Children Can't Go To School, The School Comes Home!

Read about teacher extraordinaire Mr. Renukaraj of the Pavagada taluk in Karnataka. He refused to give up on his students through the COVID lockdowns and went house to house carrying ILP's low cost, lab-in-a-box Science experiment kit and taught the children.

Read full article

Stories That Inspire Us ~ Preeti Iyengar        

Years of dedication and hard work have paid off handsomely for one of our own students - Chandana, from Khairatabad, Telengana  - who has made it to the IIT, Madras this past year. Way to go Chandana & ILP!

Also of note, ILP run Anganwadis in Amberpet, are doing such an exceptional job that they have been declared as “model” Anganwadis by the Department of Women and Child Development in Telengana! 

Annual Dinner 2020 - A Virtual Venture! 

The year 2020 threw some crazy curve balls at us. Team ILP was up for the challenge however and jumped in wholeheartedly to develop and present our very first virtual annual dinner that did not feel quite so virtual after all.
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Kind Regards,

ILP Newsletter Team - Minnie Uppuluri, Nidhi Rai and Suyash Nigam

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