Tulasi Munda, an orphan from the remote tribal village of Keonjhar, Orissa, has shown remarkable resilience and determination. She is currently a student at Harichandanpur Girls High School. After losing her parents, Tulasi had to drop out of school, but her journey took a positive turn when Nirakar Munda, a former para-teacher, intervened.

Nirakar reached out to Tulasi and her relatives, and thanks to his efforts, she was admitted to the Raghunathpur Residential Bridge Course Center four years ago. Supported by the education department and the District Mineral Fund (DMF), this center provided Tulasi with the opportunity to continue her education at no cost.

Following her time at the bridge course center, Tulasi enrolled at Harichandanpur Girls High School. She lived in the hostel and received scholarships from the Tribal Welfare Department and the DMF.

In the recent High School Certificate examination, Tulasi achieved a commendable score of 360 marks, becoming the first student from her village to pass the HSC examination. The school has benefitted from the Science Kits and Career Guidance program, part of ILP’s intervention.

Tulasi recently shared her aspiration to pursue higher secondary education at Harichandanpur College. ILP’s NGO partner in Odisha, RRO, is working to secure a scholarship for her from TSRDS, as the area is within the development activities of the TATA Plant periphery zone.

We extend our best wishes to Tulasi as she continues her educational journey.