In areas where enrollment and retention are high, our projects focus on enabling children to attain grade appropriate learning competencies. We do this by empowering teachers with innovative tools and frameworks.

  • Preschools: At the preschool level we train Anganwadi workers on child friendly teaching methods and preschool methodology. We implement activity based learning methods that focus on play, music and child friendly interactions. The goal is to provides learning in the area of discipline, hygiene, confidence and basic letters and numbers. This is a critical to prepare the children for primary school.
  • Primary Schools: For primary schools, while enrollment has been addressed to a large extent, there other issues that prevent effective learning. We focus on attendance because that is the first step towards learning. We have also identified problems in schools with teacher shortages where ILP provides additional teachers (referred to as para teachers), while advocating with the school monitoring committees to get the teachers recruited.  
  • Upper Primary and High Schools: For the upper primary and high-school levels, the learning goes beyond the basics and it is important to provide life-skills and advanced learning that bridges the digital divide and prepares the children to leverage the opportunities in today’s technological society. We have designed a unique learning framework and pedagogy via our Multi Dimensional Learning Spaces (MDLS), focused on reading, experiential science learning and social sciences.
    • We leverage technology to improve learning by combining traditional teaching with interactive experiences, and help the teachers use multiple teaching methods to cater to varied styles of learning.
    • Science kits designed and packaged by ILP help to drive hands-on learning and innovative thinking at the High School level.
    • We develop and roll out digital  content for social studies in collaboration with Google Earth to expose children to virtual journeys through history.
    • Our library programs improve reading in native and english language using a structured framework and monitoring children’s progress across the reading levels.
    • In order to engage the children, ILP helps conduct science fairs and art competitions.