The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

India Literacy Project along with its partner NGO IRCDS helps students achieve their dreams with the “Scholarship Program”.

Scholarship program is conducted across various Indian states in collaboration with local partner ngos.

Scholarship is granted to students for completing their graduation and post-graduation in courses – B. Com, B. Sc, BA, M. Com and M. Sc.

Students are chosen based on their academic performance and their economic background.

Preference is given to students with good academic performance, government school students, children from backward economic strata usually of migrant laborers, children of widowed mothers, girl students with multiple girl siblings etc.

Students submit an application, post which they are given an orientation about the roles and responsibilities of scholarship program.

Home visits are undertaken to verify the details provided by the students. Post which the students are interviewed along with their parents or siblings by an interview panel comprising India Literacy Project and partner NGOs.