There is only one thing that could replace a book: The next book

With this ideology in mind, the partner NGO of India Literacy Project has come up with a wonderful and practical program “Book Festival” to improve the reading habits of children.

As part of the program, children are encouraged to read books by creating a proper library set-up.

Taking a step further, volunteers and Vidya Saathis go from door to door collecting books that are not being used.

These books are added to the library collection to increase the pool of books. Systematic record is maintained about the book, publication, donor etc.

Book reading habit goes a long way in developing a child’s potential by sparking curiosity, improving vocabulary, problem solving skills and analytical abilities.

To motivate the children further, storytelling competition is held about the books that have been read. This improves the body language, confidence level and articulation ability of children.

Teachers are also encouraged to keep motivating children in a timely manner to read books.